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25 questions

Suggested timelimit:

30 minutes


WP_Query and the Loop

User roles and capabilities

WP Basics

Custom Content Types in WP

Custom Theme Development

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WordPress Assessment Test: How it is structured and how it can help you hire your best candidate

Use Kandio’s assessment test to assess the candidates, employees, agencies, or freelancers you have in terms of their knowledge and expertise on WordPress, one of the most used and popular content management systems that power a majority of the internet today.

With this test, you will be able to assess the technical knowledge of your candidates that you would not have seen through interviews, resumés or past projects alone.

The WordPress assessment test was created with the help of our expert contributor, Annapurna Agrawal, who is a Google developer and is an online instructor to thousands of students who are learning how to develop.

By using this test, you can expect that the candidates who will pass your test are well-equipped with the basic knowledge of WordPress and are also capable of fully utilizing the content management system that allows for customized specifically to your needs.

How would you use this test?

This test has a number of use cases:

  1. Test WordPress developers, their understanding of the concept of the content management system in particular
  2. Filter out candidates for your work, based on their subject matter clarity
  3. Test if the candidate is aware and has knowledge on developing custom themes and plugins or adding custom options to the CMS
  4. You can use this test to get a hint if the person suits your requirement of work

Which areas (chapters) will be covered in the test, and why was it chosen that way?

WP_Query and the Loop
How you use WP_Query and the Loop is how you display your content in your website and how efficient it is. WP uses the Loop to display content. It is important for a developer to understand the use of each in case of customisation and theme development, or how you want to place your content in different parts web page.

User roles and capabilities
WP uses a concept of user roles, based on which their capability is assigned. The owner of the website decides which user has what role, and accordingly control what they can and cannot do within the site. While building a site and adding users to the website, it is important to understand the roles. While creating some custom theme or plugin, this knowledge can be helpful for deciding the power of the user and accessibility in the site.

WP Basics
This determines the level of understanding of the candidate of Wordpress. How deep his understanding is and how familiar he is with the CMS.

Custom Content Types in WP
WP is one of the easiest tool to use. It is not only used for blogging, but has been proven the best for giant e-commerce platforms. Customising WP in any way is possible, to suit the needs. WP can be easily extended to suit an idea, which requires a custom data architecture. It can be extended to create a new post type, a new user role with custom set of capabilities, custom taxonomy and what not. Solid understanding of this concept ensures that the candidate is suitable to create and customise WP.

Custom Theme Development
Quite often a client might want to customise the existing look and feel of a website, or change it to something whole new. Not only the theme determines the look and feel of a website, it also demands to put together the files and design together in the WP understandable way. Theme development requires taking care of a well structured, error free and valid code. It has to be extendible and easily maintainable. Most important of all, following the WP standards. This then decides the website performance as well. Candidate should be aware of this development strategy required for WP.

Made by one of the leading experts

Annapurna Agrawal

Pluralsight Author

I’ve been developing web and mobile tools for businesses.
Now, Kandio enabled me to help businesses by developing and growing their own team.

See my full profile