Test specifications
Andrew Mallett
Available Language(s):








20 questions

Suggested timelimit:

20 minutes


User Management



File Management

Linux Core Administration Online Test: How it is structured and how it can help you hire your best candidate

Using our Linux Core Administration Online Test will help you screen your candidates that are expected to have knowledge on the subject.

This test was designed by an expert who understands the value of actual applications of Linux Core Administration that is beyond simply having the knowledge.

The chapters covered in this test was specifically curated to help you understand anyone’s knowledge of the subject at a level that will give you confidence in hiring them for a Linux role.

Using this test will help you identify your strongest candidate who can take on any role that requires Linux Core Administration.

Which use cases can customers have for this test? / Who can users use the test?

Kandio’s Linux Core Administration Online Test lets you assess the candidates, employees, agencies, freelancers or students you have so you can rate their Linux Administration competency. This test will help you decide if a candidate is right for the job or are knowledgeable of the expected skill set for Linux Core Administration.

Being able to address the strengths and weaknesses in your current Linux Administration is going to help you determine how quickly you can move to further updates of Linux or growth that you have planned. This test will also allow you to identify those who are capable of taking on bigger challenges as you grow within Linux.

When looking for new candidates for the role of Linux administrators, Kandio tests can ensure that you will only need to interview the string of candidates who have the required administration skills in Linux and not waste time with candidates that do not fit your requirements.

Which areas (chapters) will be covered in the test, and why was it chosen that way?

User Management
It is essential that a Linux administrator can identify how and why users are created and the associated tools and files.

Much of Linux administration will be at the command line shell. For an administrator, it is essential that they are able to tune the shell and work efficiently at the CLI, command-line interface

Being able to manage the Linux host through services and network configuration is part of the daily routine of a Linux Administrator. In this chapter, we are able to detect those who know and those who do not.

File Management
Editing, listing and copying files are mundane but it has to be done. Setting permissions and understanding their meaning is also implicitly important in securing the system. In this chapter, we drill down on their true administration skills, specifically on File Management.

Made by one of the leading experts

Andrew Mallett

CEO at Urban Pinguin
Pluralsight Author

After years of helping businesses achieve success with Linux, Kandio offered me the chance to help businesses find their own Linux experts.