Everything to Know About Pre-employment Tests

You might be here because you are wondering if it is lawful to do employment background checks and pre-employment screenings. The basic answer is: yes. 

Applicants can be tested by employers, as they should be! Above all, the tests must be nondiscriminatory, administered correctly, and validated.

The Critical Step of the Application Process

Employers use a number of exams and procedures to evaluate applicants. Some of these tests evaluate job-related skills and talents, while others collect personal information for other purposes and are contentious.

Pre-employment exams are permissible if the employer does not use test findings to discriminate against applicants based on their race, color, gender, national origin, religion, disability, or age (that is, to exclude applicants only because they are 40 years of age or older).

Indeed, these types of pre-employment screening tests and exams are not only legal but also beneficial for both employers and applicants everywhere. Read on to learn more about them today.

Understanding All  Types of Pre-employment Job Evaluations

Job candidates may be evaluated based on their abilities, character, and physical fitness. These assessments should help hiring managers avoid bias.

1. Aptitude Exams

Talent assessments determine new recruit performance and retention. Potential skills and abilities are assessed rather than personality or work history. These tests determine whether or not the applicant will be successful if recruited.

2. Cognitive Exams

Cognitive examinations assess thinking, memory, perceptual speed and accuracy, arithmetic, literary comprehension, and job knowledge. The majority of people define intelligence as cognitive capacity. Your test results may indicate how well you perform on the job.

3. Personality Assessments

Personality tests either study or predict an individual's behavior. The goal is to discover whether an applicant is a suitable fit for the job and the firm. The goal of employment personality testing is to find the best candidate for the position.

4. EQ Exam

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions. Individuals that are emotionally intelligent may work successfully with others, engage with the public, and handle disappointments and frustrations maturely.

5. Language Assessments

Non-native English speakers are usually subjected to English competency examinations.

6. Sample Job Tasks

Simulations, work samples, and realistic job simulations are used to assess candidates' task performance and aptitude. Consider these auditions.

7. Credit and Background Checks

A criminal background check reveals arrests and convictions. Credit checks show your credit history to potential employers, including any outstanding accounts, credit and loan amounts, and a number of loans and credit cards.

8. Health and Physical Screenings

Physical exams may be required for physically demanding or dangerous jobs. A pre-employment physical assesses the physical fitness and stamina of an applicant.

Physical ability examinations assess an applicant's ability to complete tasks, muscle group strength, and stamina.

9. Mandatory Drug Tests

A number of drug tests may be administered to job candidates. Drugs and alcohol are detected in urine, hair, saliva, and sweat tests. Although no drug test predicts intoxication, the majority of alcohol tests do.


Beyond a business’ responsibility to run pre-employment exams, it is also beneficial for applicants to know what they must be prepared for. Now that you know more about pre-employment tests, you can assess what your business needs or what you may need to arrange for applicants.

Kandio is here to guide your company in preparing assessment tests for job applications. With us, you can find the talent you need for success. Get in touch with us today!

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